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SC025 13 Arctic Lutsel K’e Exterior Village Voices Traffic MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e, Exterior Village Rumble, All Terrain Vehicule (ATV 4×4) Moving, Airplane Props Passing by, Birds, People Echoey Voices in Background

SC025 12 Arctic Lutsel K’e School Intercom MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e School, Interior Corridor, Woman’s Voice on Intercom Giving Informations About Organised Activities, Open and Close Doors, People Voices in Background

SC025 11 Arctic Lutsel K’e Night on the Point Village Rumble MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e, Great Slave Lake, Exterior May 23th, Night on the Point, Blustery Winds, Some Birds, Waves on the Beach, Many All Terrain Vehicule (ATV 4×4) Moving, Dogs Barking with One Shot Gun and People Yelling in Distant Background

SC025 10 Arctic Lutsel K’e Night on the Point MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e, Great Slave Lake, Exterior May 23th, Night on the Point, Blustery Winds, Birds, Waves on the Beach in Distant Background

SC025 09 Arctic Lutsel K’e Great Slave Lake Close Ice Movements Sound MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e, Great Slave Lake, Exterior May 23th, Close Shot POV, Ice Movements with Tinkling Sound, Dogs Barking, Blustery Winds, Birds and Some People Voices in Distant Background

SC025 08 Arctic Lutsel K’e Great Slave Lake Ice Movements Sound MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e, Great Slave Lake, Exterior Spring Thaw May 23th, Ice Movements with Tinkling Sound, Dogs Barking, Blustery Winds, Birds and Some People Voices in Distant Background

SC025 07 Arctic Lutsel K’e Woman Scraping Moose Skin MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e Dene, Interior Tent, Woman Scraping Moose Skin

SC025 06 Arctic Lutsel K’e School Interior Children Voice MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e Dene, Interior School May 23th From Corridor, Through Class Door POV, Children and Adults English Voices, Open and Close Door, Children Activity Movements

SC025 05 Arctic Lutsel K’e School Corridor Locker Children MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e Dene, Interior School May 23th Corridor POV, Footsteps and Movements, Locker Doors Open and Close, Children and Adults English Voices, Table Scrape on Floor, Ventilation and Neon Light Rumble in Background

SC025 04 Arctic Lutsel K’e Village Air Tone MS

Arctic, Northwest Territories, Lutsel K’e Dene, Exterior Night May 23th, Village Rumble